Thursday, December 10, 2009

Registration has been approved!

We are officially Homeschoolers!!

The meeting with Beverley went exceptionally well! She liked all of my ideas regarding my childrens' educations, and agreed that, although I have a schedule, it will undoubtedly be flexible. We have initially been granted a 12 month registration, and just as I thought, she confirmed that the first 12 moths are the hardest. She also implied that I shouldn't have a problem attaining re-registration in future years, which is exciting!

It's funny, but I wasn't worried about today's meeting .... I was more nervous, kind of like "job interview" nervous lol! Now all that remains is to inform the school that we won't be returning next year.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Next Step!!

I am very excited, as today, I received a letter from the Board of Studies, confirming that an Authorised person from the Home Schooling Unit will be in contact to arrange a meeting! It is also a bit daunting, as I need to have everything ready to support my application, but I feel confident that there will be no dramas!!